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Back to School? Tidy Up those Loose Wires!

Fall is just around the corner. Many households are making plans for returning to school: in-person, distance learning or a hybrid of both. Some Americans are beefing up the home office in anticipation for another ‘round of COVID stranding them at home. Getting back from summer vacations and settling into a routine, others are looking at home projects that need to be tidied up and buttoned-down before the winter. The Jefferson Electric crew is facing some of these same challenges, just like you! Here’s how we are getting ready.

In the words of Maya Angelou, ‘we’re hoping for the best, but prepared for the worst…’ and that’s how we’re counseling our customers; consider your electrical needs (and unforeseen needs) looking toward Autumn, with optimism. Demands on the wireless internet infrastructure, increased energy needs surrounding the election season and virtual academic requirements all come rely on electrical infrastructure at home working in top performance.

Questions to identify your level of preparedness:

  1. How are my electronic devices protected from unexpected surges in power? Surge suppressors, power strips, GFCI outlets, GFI breakers…?
  2. Do we have an energy plan for a power outage? Heating, AC, food storage, small electric appliances, computers, cell phones etc?
  3. Is my home designed with enough amperage for the needs of electricity for my home office or distance learning classroom?
  4. With new electronic appliances (printers, copiers, laptops, work stations, lighting, USB receptacles, mobile heating/cooling units) will there be enough electrical load supply for my demand?
  5. With the new reality of COVID and public health circumstances, in the event that we experience a quarantine or should there be an executive stay-at-home order, do you have storage for perishables that you might need to stock-up on? Deep freezer, auxiliary refrigerator, generator, energy back-up, and what kinds of electrical needs will I need to support these?
  6. Lastly, which ‘quality of living’ amenities will I want to prioritize, if I were to be stuck at home for a longer period of time? Ambient kitchen lighting, landscape lighting (to enjoy wildlife in the backyard), security lighting, a coffee cart for my Keurig in my office or dimmable LED can lighting for my attic classroom.

We understand the unknowns of the near future; we are in the same boat as you. These are questions we’re providing answers to so we don’t get caught stranded. Let’s get together and move the needle forward towards accomplishing some of your home project goals. Give us a call.

February 2025
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