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8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday - Friday
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From Our Family to Yours: Jefferson Electric Cares About Our Community

We started as a local family business back in 2011, and that is not going to change. Jefferson Electric values people over profit and solutions over shallow promises. Serving our customers with the highest level of integrity, honesty, and transparency is our top priority, as is giving back to the community we love so much. You could say our “Others First” mentality is hard-wired in us!


englewood building

Our team embodies the qualities of reliability, quality, and integrity. Owner Joel Walsman says, “Excellence isn’t just how we do the technical aspects of our trade. It’s also wrapped up in a significant way in how we value people and interact with our customers. At the end of the day, we can be awesome at the task and poor at relationships and no one would ever call us excellent, regardless of how many accolades we received.”

This just won’t cut it for us. We prioritize relationships over profits, putting our customers – and their safety, budget, and comfort – first. This is why we recently extended our three-year workmanship warranty to a lifetime warranty. As Joel says, “We’re in it for the long haul!”

Our dedication to our customers is bolstered by our intense training programs. Our team receives ongoing education, and we even offer an in-house trade school for skills development. The best people delivering the best service: it’s the way we do business.

the men was having a meeting

Bettering Near Eastside, Together

Jefferson Electric recently received a grant from the Englewood Community Development Corporation, which is working intensively in Indianapolis’ diverse Near Eastside area. This allows us to not only renovate the east end of the historic Neidhammer Building, but to also hire and train several low-income residents. Providing well-paying, skilled, rewarding jobs for our community is a source of true satisfaction for us.

Joe Bowling, Director of the East Washington St Partnership for Englewood Community Development, says, “Englewood CDC is incredibly appreciative to the myriad of ways Jefferson Electric has demonstrated a commitment to the Near Eastside and Near Eastside residents over the last several years. It’s gratifying to watch a business like Jefferson Electric grow and make the most of every opportunity. What’s more, they’ve done it with integrity and professionalism every step of the way.”


For the Jefferson Electric team, putting customers and community first comes naturally; we know that the key to success is, as Joel says, “putting everybody else in front of [ourselves] and making sure [we] view business as an act of service.”

We are happy to serve our community, and that is another thing that will never change.

Connect with us by email: info@jeffersonelectricllc.com

Call or text: (317) 418-3917

March 2025
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