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Basic Stretches to Reduce Workplace Injury

by Eric Howard:

Electrical work often requires a great amount of manual labor which makes the need for Job-site Stretches important. Whether it be climbing a home or moving equipment, it takes leg & arm work to get where you need to be for the job. It’s always a good idea to ensure that your body is conditioned and ready for constant movement when working in a field that requires all of your body muscles. Stretching prior to manual labor work will warm up your muscles and prepare them for the repeated stress, flexibility, and constant motion that they’re about to endure.
Here are a few basic stretches you can do before you start your electrical work tasks.
Job-site Stretches of your back and shoulders before work will improve your posture and decrease the risk of back/shoulder injury.


  1. Stand Up.
  2. Place your hands on your hips.
  3. Slightly arch your back.
  4. Hold the stretch for 10-15 seconds.

Make sure that you don’t hold this position for too long because you don’t want to strain your back muscles, the objective is to loosen and warm them up.


  1. Lift one of your arms straight in front of you.
  2. Hinge the arm across your chest.
  3. Hold the arm in position with the opposite hand.

Repeat these steps with both arms and slightly hinge your torso while doing them. Neck stretches are probably the easiest stretches of them all, they require the least effort and they can be done anywhere. You can do this while sitting idle in your car or while enjoying a meal.


  1. Sit or stand looking forward.
  2. Slowly turn your head to the right then to the left, do this a few times.
  3. Aim your chin towards your chest and rotate your head clockwise.

Pectoral Job-site stretches will aid you when carrying heavy loads. Core strength is a necessity when performing manual labor.


  1. Lean your arms and shoulders backward.
  2. Lace your fingers together.
  3. Pull your hands away from your back.
  4. Hold that position for 30 seconds.
  5. Inhale & exhale deeply.

Your arms require a good amount of stretching because you will be using them to hold and operate tools throughout the workday. The triceps are necessary for lifting and holding up weight but it’s a muscle that is often neglected compared to the bicep. Focusing on the triceps will alleviate some of the stress placed on those muscles we tend to forget that we need.


  1. Raise one arm above your head.
  2. Bend your elbow on the raised arm, keeping your hand behind your head.
  3. With your opposite hand, pull your raised elbow toward your opposite shoulder.
  4. Hold the stretch for 15-20 seconds.
  5. Repeat with your other arm.

Leg stretches are essential. The last thing you want to happen while carrying a workload is a leg cramp. Something as small as leg discomfort or cramping could be catastrophic in a work field that requires you to constantly maintain balance. Your leg stretch routines should cover both the quadriceps and your calves.


  1. Stand up straight (hold a chair for balance)
  2. Bend one leg backwards, holding your foot with your hand
  3. Using your hand, raise your foot higher to feel the stretch
  4. Hold the stretch for 15-30 seconds.
  5. Repeat with other legs.



  1. Stand Up.
  2. Hold your arms straight against the wall.
  3. Keep the heels of your feet on the ground and your legs straight.
  4. Slowly bend your arms to lean towards the wall.

These are just a few of the job-site stretches that you can do at the start of every workday with a little effort. Keep your body prepared and running smoothly like a well-oiled machine to prevent any form of injury that could lead to a loss of work or opportunities.


*Although moderate physical activity such as brisk walking is safe for most people, health experts suggest that you talk to your doctor before you start an exercise program if any of the following apply: You have heart disease. You have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. You have kidney disease.

March 2025
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